Happy Halloween….TRICK

Sometimes it’s a treat. Sometimes it’s a TRICK.

It’s been a TRICK of a week. And that’s ok. It is my choice to shake it off and enjoy the holiday.

I have treat supplies all piled up on the kitchen counter. And guess what? I’m going to just let it go and pack them away.

There are fun places to go and fun people to see and they will understand completely.

Here are a few easy peasy Pinterest goodies if you are in a pinch for what to take to a Halloween party tonight!

Treat! IMG_0571.JPG

Yep. I have it all TOGETHER

“You are such an inspiration! I check your Facebook every morning and love your blog. I wish I could get it together like you have it all together!”

I have it all together? Oh. Wow!

When I opened and read the message from a blog fan, I have to admit I smiled and looked around, and snapped a pic.

I’ve been mulling it over a bit.

A picture says a thousand words. This picture says a lot, and how I “had it all together” on that particular morning.

Me, in my jammies, kid crawling into my lap, dogs and toys in the floor.

I was comfortable. Comfortable in my hand-me-down rocking chair. Comfortable in my home. Comfortable in the little world I have created that is my typical day.

I had worked an overnight shift, an industrious idea that has pushed me to my physical limits. I welcomed the sunrise, headed home and welcomed the baby in for the day. My sweet-as-sugar grandbaby. My daily companion. My little bundle of love. The first of what I hope will be a whole houseful.

He kept me company as I made coffee, fed the dogs, made us breakfast. I changed into to my favorite long johns. Yes, long johns, but at least they are Victoria Secret. And fabulous. Certainly not what VS would walk down their runway, several years old, soft as a whisper, and great for the chilly morning. After all, I would be catching a morning nap by 10:00am. While the other night-shifters bed down for the day, I am grateful for simply napping with the baby. He is my priority, and working nights will assure our days together. What I work on at nights will change until I find the right fit.

I’m not sure what having it all together means. Example: I’ve stared at that sentence for 10 minutes. I was trying to decide between ending it with “anymore” or “exactly”. I decided to end it more simply. I’m truly not sure what having it all together means.

As usual, penning it down helps me to sort it out. Having it all. Having it all together. What is my all? Is it all together? Does it look all together? Who is looking? Am I helping? Inspiring? Is it more inspiring to share what helps motivate and inspire me, or to keep it real, and let my strivings inspire?

There are some things I know for sure. My family is my all. That is my “all”. Family is my all. If I need to work nights, drive 1800 miles, rob Peter to pay Paul, stay awake, lose “me time” hours by propping my broken feet up, make tough decisions, raise hell, raise kids, barter, get creative, love tough, love soft, defend, provide, protect, step back , step forward… It’s done. Period. Perfectly, no. Fiercely, yes.

I know I am creative. That’s part of my “all”. I know I’m a writer. I know I’m a project manager. I know I’m a homemaker. I know I am a volunteer. That’s more of my “all”.

I know the creative part of my all needs tweaking. I definitely do not have the media vehicle all together yet, but the process is so me and fun and I love it all. I’ll get there.

My Sweetheart Life is so me, so accurate, so widely focused. Because that, for me, is what life is all about. A wide lens look on life.

Trips, projects, holidays, hobbies, making memories, being present and open to life. Finding art, inspiration and humor in our daily life encompasses many things, a blessed many. When prompted to focus more narrowly, I simply can’t. That’s ok. That’s my all.

I do know that I strive to have it all together. And I am so much better at not worrying about it on the days I don’t have it all together. I know that I can share that part of my all with family and friends and we can laugh at the mess together.

Now that I think about it, that’s probably the key to it. All.


By any other NAME

I stumbled upon a new word. It’s similar to a word I love, wanderlust.


Fernweh is a German word that, from what I’ve read from German writings, is a bit hard to translate to another language. It’s one of those wonderful colloquialisms that the people of that location know exactly what they mean and when they try to describe it to others, it takes a paragraph or two.

It is quite fitting that the definition of fernweh would be hard to describe. If you are experiencing fernweh, you need a freedom of movement. The freedom to travel.

While wanderlust is the desire to travel, fernweh is a bit more intense. It is the desire to be in new places with new experiences, new sites. To not quite settle on a home, as the new places and travel are calling. To wrap yourself up in the journey and destinations. To be a bit blue when you are not on a travel adventure.

In researching the word fernweh, I came across what may best define it. It is the opposite of heimweh, the German word for homesickness. Homesick is easy to define for most. That longing for home, an emotional and sometimes physical response to wanting to be with the familiar.

Fernweh. A word, by any other name, would not be the same.


Warming up my cold October BONES

It’s a chilly October day in central Kentucky. I’m cold to my bones.

The first days back from the warm Florida sun are always hard. The return to the Kentucky autumn chill makes my bones feel like they clatter and clank.

The wind whips and reminds me that winter is coming.

The sky is layered in an artist palette of shades of gray clouds. They are a beautiful backdrop from the windows as I light autumn scented candles all over the house. Honey apple, vanilla, and caramel scents are so cozy.

Sweet, hot coffee is even better from my oversized seashell mug. It reminds me of my feet on warm sand, the sun on my face, mesmerizing waves, sunwarm skin.

So many ways to snuggle up and rest from the overnight drive.

Journal new project ideas…

Catch up on calls to friends…

Browse Pinterest from under a quilt or three…

Sort thru shopping treasures…

A sweet lazy nap and a kittycat stretch and yawn….

I’ll start my day in a little while.
