Good advice to MYSELF

Question. Have you, like me, seen something like this floating around your social media newsfeed: If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be?

I’ve seen several prompts like this lately. “Two words to your teenage self” and “Best advice to your college self” and “If I could write a letter to me”, etc.

You get the drift.

Hindsight being 20/20.

I have to say, I usually sass the answer with something quick.

“Wake up, Dummy” “That’s going to leave a mark!” “Gaaaaaaa”.

Sometimes I am more kind. “Slow down” “Don’t fall for that!!” “Trust your gut!!”

Sometimes I am more caring. “Wow, this is tough for you” “Looking good” “You’ve got this” “See the opportunities”.

I was thinking about this exercise last week, and I have also recently added the movie “About Time” into my favorites. There are so many sweet sentimental snippets, all tucked in nicely, about enjoying today.

What would I say to my younger self? So many things.

But what would I say to me last month, or last week, or yesterday?

Here’s what. It’s really good advice. To myself.

Spend some time on a few things, in a few places, and with a few people who make you feel like you. The best you. The cherished and valued and celebrated you.

It will be time well spent, my friend.

Very well spent.

Wake Me Up When September ENDS

I’m not one to wish my life away. Every day is precious.

September, however, always seemed so long. It’s the month after celebrating August, my birthday month. It’s the month before one of my favorite months, October.

Now there is a reason to celebrate September. My grandbaby. No more sleeping through September. I’m awake, grateful, blessed.
